Eduardo Gil was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
He completed studies in Meteorology and graduated as a Commercial Airplane Pilot. He is studying Sociology at the University of Buenos Aires, which he leaves with only a few subjects left to graduate.
The military coup on March 24 forces him to move away and start a new life. He embraces the profession of photographer training in a self-taught way. After experimenting with different specialties, he turns to photojournalism and editorial illustration.
He makes long journeys of initiation through Argentina and Latin America strongly consubstantiated with aboriginal cultures and impressed by the living conditions of the most vulnerable classes on the continent. He begins to be interested in art and its history. It is the beginning of his first documentary essays: Latin America, Latin American Portraits and Latin American Cemeteries.
Holds his first solo show at the Ángelus Gallery in Buenos Aires.
He began his vast teaching career at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Buenos Aires and at the Cine Club Buenos Ayres.
She proposes and develops an experimental workshop for three years with the patients of the José T. Borda Psychiatry Hospital.
Create the T.E.F. (Photographic Aesthetic Workshops), the first of its kind in the country, in which he applies unconventional techniques of aesthetic search and group elaboration, from which some of the most interesting names in contemporary Argentine photography emerge.
He starts a Photography Course at the Asociación Estímulo de Bellas Artes that he will teach for twenty-five years.
Photography El Siluetazo, one of the most relevant aesthetic-political actions in the history of the continent.
He participates in the foundation of the NAF (Núcleo de Autores Fotográficos) along with Enrique Abbate, Eduardo Grossman, Marcos Lopez, Oscar Pintor and Helen Zout, among others, of strong influence at the local level from his founding Manifesto.
(argentina) begins trial that will culminate in 2000.
He begins his extensive journey as Curator with the Contemporary Argentine Photography exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Curitiba, Brazil. See curated exhibitions.
First international invitation as curator and speaker, to the VI National Photography Week in Ouro Preto, Brazil.
He directs as Curator, for four years, the FotoEspacio of the City of Buenos Aires Cultural Center (current C.C. Recoleta). During his management, prominent names on the international scene and emerging talents who have their first opportunity there are exposed.
He creates and directs (until 2008) the Permanent Photo Gallery of the Museum of Plastic Arts in the city of Chivilcoy.
He organizes and integrates the Coordinating Committee of the Buenos Aires-La Plata '88 Photography Sessions, the first of its kind in Argentina.
He is part of the Editorial Committee of the exhibition Contemporary Argentine Photography 1960-1988 exhibited at the Palais de Glace in Buenos Aires and later itinerant.
His collaboration with the Black Star Agency in New York begins, to whose staff he will join in 1991 and where he will continue for twenty years.
That year he performed, also in New York, his first performative action: The Gloves.
He prefaces the book of photographs by Oscar Pintor published by Editorial La Azotea.
Jean-Claude Lemagny acquires several of his works for the Collection of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
He is invited to give a Seminar and show his work during Les Rencontres d'Arles, France.
He participates as an exhibitor and speaker at the FotoFest in Houston, USA. The invitation will be repeated in 1994.
Invited to exhibit his work individually and as a speaker at the Photo Biennial of Vigo, Spain.
Lecture at the University of Enschede, Holland: Argentine photography from its origins to today.
Invited as a speaker at the Latin American Photography Meeting in Caracas, Venezuela.
At the invitation of Sara Facio, he carried out a retrospective exhibition of his work in the Photogallery of the General San Martín Municipal Theater.
He generates El Corte, a group urban intervention, then a postal action and finally a participatory exhibition.
He is one of the 12 members of the exhibition 100 years of Argentine Photography 1890-1990 curated by Sara Facio at the National Museum of Fine Arts in Buenos Aires.
He is invited by Christopher Rauschenberg to show an anthology of his work at Blue Sky Gallery - Oregon Center for the Photographic Arts, USA.
Exhibitor and lecturer at the Fotogalerie Kulturamt Friedrichshain, Berlin, Germany.
Gives a lecture about Argentine photography at Throckmorton Fine Arts, New York, USA.
Invited by David Foster, he exhibits his work at the Nortlight Gallery-Arizona State University, Arizona, USA.
In December he carried out ¡Merry Christmas!, an aesthetic action in the urban space, covering the city of Buenos Aires with premonitory posters of the profound economic and political debacle that would unleash the following year in Argentina.
Editorial Cuarto 14 publishes his first book, (Argentina). Summary of the essay carried out between 1985 and 2000, which constitutes a visual metaphor of Argentina after the military dictatorship.
Jury at the National Hall of Visual Arts of the Secretary of Culture of the Nation (also in 2006)
Receives the Award for Teaching Trajectory awarded by the Argentine Association of Art Critics and the International Association of Art Critics.
He writes the prologue for the catalog of the first edition of Buenos Aires Photo: Art and Photography.
He begins his series Paisajes y Aporias.
He exhibited Landscapes for the first time at the Recolerta Cultural Center and that same year at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Santiago de Chile.
Invited to the First Latin-American Photography Forum organized by the Itaú Cultural Institute, São Paulo, Brazil.
Invited by Casa América Catalunya in Barcelona, Spain, as an advisor in the curatorship of the Laberinto de Miradas project.
The Image Center of México invites you to give an extensive seminar on Photographic Aesthetics.
Guest artist as exhibitor and lecturer at the Daylesford Fotobiennale, Australia.
Invited to the First International Meeting on the Contemporary Image, Lima, Perú.
He presents his first video, NosOtros, two hours long, at the Recoleta Cultural Center in Buenos Aires.
Lecture at the Aesthetic Research Institute of the UNAM Autonomous University of Mexico.
Editorial La Marca of Buenos Aires and VVV Gallery publish his work Praesagîum.
He begins his series Señas personales, a performative work in which he documents his irruption into the landscape, which he modifies, building monuments in which he inscribes his genetic trace.
He participates in the Crisisss exhibition. Art and Confrontation: Latin American Art 1910-2010” at the Palace of Fine Arts in Mexico.
He is invited to exhibit his work at Newtopia - The State of Human Rights in Mechelen, Belgium.
Professor at the National Museum of Fine Arts in Buenos Aires.
He is invited by Cuauhtémoc Medina to exhibit at the MUAC Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporáneo de México.
El Siluetazo is published, from the perspective of Eduardo Gil (Folio MUAC 001) with which the Museum of Contemporary Art of Mexico begins its Folios collection.
He exhibits El Siluetazo in the Parque de la Memoria in Buenos Aires with the curatorship of Florencia Battiti.
He is invited by Princeton University, USA, as a speaker and speaker at the International Colloquium The Traveling Languages of Photography.
Images of absence, El Siluetazo, Buenos Aires, 1983, a book edited by the UNTREF University of Tres de Febrero, and prefaced by Estela de Carloto, Ana Longoni and Florencia Battiti, are published.
Lecturer at the MIS Museu da Imagen e do Som, São Paulo, Brazil.
On the occasion of celebrating its 40th anniversary, Blue Sky Gallery in Portland, USA distinguished it by selecting it among the 768 exhibitions held there in those years and publishing Early Work - Eduardo Gil as one of the 40 books launched to commemorate the event.
It is reissued (argentina) in the Argentine Photographers Collection, Dilan Editores, with a prologue by Eduardo Stupia.
Invited by Georges Didi-Huberman to participate in the Soulevèments exhibition. Jeu de Paume, Paris, France.
He participates in the Verboamérica exhibition. Permanent exhibition with selected works from the MALBA collection, Museum of Latin American Art in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Exhibits his essay El Borda at the Museum of Art and Memory of La Plata, Argentina.
Participates in the Contradiction and Continuity: Photographs from Argentina, 1865-2015 exhibition. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, USA.
Participate in the exhibition A tale of two worlds. Experimental Latin American Art in Dialogue with the MMK Collection 1940s-1980s. Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt, Germany.
Participate in the exhibition Uprisings. University Museum of Contemporary Art, Mexico City. Mexico.
Guest artist, exhibits Eduardo Gil - The disorder of appearances at the Argentine Documentary Photography Biennial of Tucumán. There he also generates and executes the collective performance action Pensar el Siluetazo.
Exhibition at the Rojas Cultural Center of the UBA: Eduardo Gil- The persistence of the form
Participates in the Still I Rise: Feminisms, Gender & Resistance show in Nottingham, Contemporary, Great Britain.
Received in Recognition for his trajectory in the fight for Memory, Truth and Justice from the Provincial Commission for Memory, from the Nobel Peace Prize winner Adolfo Pérez Esquivel.
Solo show at BAphoto 2019. La Rural. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Receives the National Award for Artistic Career, the highest award given by the Argentine State to a living artist.
He begins his lyrical-experimental essay entitled El mar (a C.M.).
Invited to participate in the Bienalsur 2021. He exhibits his recent work at the Dionisi Palace Museum of Photography in the city of Córdoba, at the Paco Urondo Cultural Center of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires and at the Castagnino Museum in Rosario.
He performs in New York, the commemorative action Remembering The Gloves.
He exhibits 30,000 at the Emilio Pettoruti Provincial Museum of Fine Arts in La Plata.
Ediciones ArtexArte publishes his book El Borda with a prologue by Paula Bertúa.